Meet the Messengers

Meet the Messengers

The Story of the Two Witnesses

In every age the Brotherhood has sponsored twin flames, Messengers of the Word incarnate, who witness to the cycles of Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the Father-Mother God.  Those who serve in the office of the "Two Witnesses" write down the law of the Manus, the guardians of the race and sponsors of each 2,000-year dispensation.  They sound the warning of the conspiracy of the seed of the wicked and of the returning karma of the chosen people who have failed to come out from among them (the fallen ones) and be a separate people.  They are the prophets of the LORD who stand as representatives of the World Teachers to those who choose to listen and to identify with the flame of that which Is real and to be initiates of the Brotherhood even while they are instruments of the LORD.


The Messenger is the one whom Malachi declared would be sent to "prepare the way before me," i.e., the way of the Lord--the Christ Self--who "shall suddenly come to his temple." The Messenger assists the children of God to make contact with the Christ Self so that the Christ Self can release to the soul the Teachings of the I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters. Hence the Messenger stands representing the Christ Self until there is no longer any need for the Messenger, and all who have come forth from God once again behold the I AM Presence and their true Teachers, the Ascended Masters face to face.  The training of the Messenger takes place over thousands of years of the soul's incarnations on earth. It is something acquired not through human effort but through illumined, loving obedience to the law of the Inner Self and the word of the Teacher. 

Mark and Elizabeth Prophet received the anointing from Saint Germain, the Knight Commander of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity, to wear the mantle of the prophets of Israel and to occupy in these latter days the office of the Two Witnesses, Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood.  They were called together to stand "before the God of the Earth," Lord Gautama Buddha, and to prophesy "a thousand two hundred and three score days."  This empowering of their twin flames, "the two olive trees and the two candlesticks," was foretold by Jesus Christ in the eleventh chapter of his Revelation to Saint John, the Divine, a dictation, "sent and signified" by his angel.

Source: Prophet, Elizabeth C. The Great White Brotherhood: In the Culture, History, and Religion of America. 1976. Summit University Press. Livingston, Montana.

Finding the Masters

 Elizabeth Clare Prophet talks about her search for the masters.

Sunday Lectures with Mark Prophet

Educating Your Vision

June 1-14, 2021

Lectures by Mark Prophet are taken from the audio series Sermons for a Sabbath Evening and

Discourses on Cosmic Law.

They are for the understanding of life. They speak to your heart, soul and mind. When you hear to Mark's powerful voice, you sense that he is speaking these teachings from the heart of El Morya and opening for us the door to El Morya's heart.

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